Validate Secure Code


Entered Document Secure Encrypted Key (SEK) is: c0NzhlMjgxOTk4ZD

Please scan the barcode or key in the Document's Secure Encrypted Key:

Secure Encrypted Key (SEK) is V A L I D !!

Document SEK is : c0NzhlMjgxOTk4ZD
Details1 : demo only
Details2 : Six (6) pages transcript-of-records sample
Details3 :
Details4 :
Details5 :
Details6 :
Details7 :
Details8 :
Click this to see the document and its pages
To see how this demo works, copy and paste any one of the codes listed below into the field asking to enter a Secure Code, then click on the Validate button or the Enter key. Be careful in copying and pasting as adding or dropping a digit will invalidate the code.

All the codes in this demo are in a secure database, hence entering and validating each returns a green Valid Code, and all specfic data associated with this code. (Pay attention to the details returned for each valid entry)
Enter and validate the following sample secure codes:Do not include spaces in front and back of the 16-character codes!
VmNzNhNjkyZjQ0ZT   => (3 page sample transcript of records)
U5OGZmYWM4YTdmNj   => (4 page sample transcript of records)
c0NzhlMjgxOTk4ZD   => (6 page sample transcript of records)

Electronic Identification & Authentication Solutions employ US trademarked Secur-A-Doc and Secur-It-All soltuions. (2019)